Non-Primary Service Area Surcharge

Fare Adjustment Surcharge For Non-Primary Service Area Pick-Up/Drop-Off
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Fare Adjustment Surcharge For Non-Primary Service Area Pick-Up/Drop-Off
from $20.00

GoSherpa Transport Fares are quoted for pick-ups and drop-offs undertaken inside our Primary Service Areas. A fare-adjustment surcharge applies to a pick-up and/or a drop-off undertaken outside these Primary Service Areas (basically, the surcharge would approximate the taxi fare and, if applicable, tolls of a taxi ride between our Primary Service Area and the pick-up/drop-off location. It pays for the added costs (including tolls) for getting to and from the outer areas.

Pick-Up Or Drop-Off:
Service Area:
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This surcharge is assessed for each location and NOT assessed per passenger. Thus, it is “shared” by all passengers at a pick-up/drop-off location.

Please add ONE surcharge by selecting “Pick-Up OR Drop-Off” and the appropriate service area designation and adding it to your cart if only your pick-up or only your drop-off location is to be undertaken outside our Primary Service Area. However, if both your pick-up and your drop-off locations are outside our Primary Service Areas, please add TWO surcharges - one for your pick-up and one for your drop-off.