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Combining Convenience, Comfort, and Affordability

Door-to-door travel between Boston and New York City means being picked-up and dropped-off in Boston and New York City at addresses of your choosing. Travel between these cities couldn’t be experienced more conveniently.

For convenience and comfort during your travels, you are driven to the very door of your destination in a custom-built Mercedes van (known as a “SherpaMuleSM”) that provides the following amenities: 

Work Table & Trays

Internet WiFi

Electric Outlets

Reclining Seats

InterCity SherpaSM is a van-share that provides door-to-door travel between Boston and NYC at an affordable price. With 21 days advance booking, each Companion Rider pays only $69 (after the Lead Rider books for $129). (For more information, see Pricing Info )

If you need to travel between a township west of Boston and New York City, InterCity SherpaSM ‘s MetroWest-Boston Service now makes stops in the Massachusetts townships of Framingham, Milbury, and Auburn. At the New York City end of your travels, you will be picked-up/dropped-off at an address of your choosing. Click here to learn more about InterCity SherpaSM‘s MetroWest-Boston Service .

If you need to travel between a township north of New York City and Boston, InterCity SherpaSM ‘s Yonkers Service now picks up and drop off in Yonkers. At the Boston end of your travels, you will be picked-up/dropped-off at an address of your choosing. Click here to learn more about InterCity SherpaSM‘s Yonkers Service .

Door-To-Terminal Transport

Between Boston and NYC-Area Airports

Pet-Friendly Transport

Bring Your Furry Friends Along

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Why Travel With InterCity Sherpasm ?

The InterCity Sherpasm travel experience compares favorably with its alternatives in terms of safety, convenience, comfort, and price.

Traveling with InterCitySherpasm Means

Not being packed in with crowds during travel, getting to & from the airport/station, checking-in, security screening and boarding.

Not losing time to getting to & from the airport/station, early check-in, security screening, boarding, and baggage claim.

Not having the hassles of meandering thru the airport/station, taking your shoes off & your laptop out, and putting your tray up & your computer away.

Not paying taxi fares and fees for parking, carry-on & check-in baggage, and airport & security fees.

InterCitySherpasm Pricing

Booked Booked Booked
> 21 Days > 7 Days > 2 Days
Before Travel Before Travel Before Travel
Transport Fare (Per Rider)
For pick-ups/drop-offs in Primary Service Area
Leader Rider (or 1st Rider) $129 $139 $149
Companion Rider(s) $69 $79 $89
Average per-Rider Transport Fares:
1-Rider $129 $139 $149
2-Riders $99 $109 $119
3-Riders $89 $99 $109
4-Riders $84 $94 $104
5-Riders $81 $91 $101
6-Riders $79 $89 $99
7-Riders $78 $88 $98
8-Riders $77 $87 $97
9-Riders $76 $86 $96
10-Riders $75 $85 $95
Hire-out 12-Rider van ◊ $819/van $929/van $1,039/van
Private Charter 12-Rider van ◊ $990/van $1,100/van $1,200/van
Surcharges (per Travel Group)
for Table Seat reservation # $20 $20 $20
for Excess Luggage* $20-$100 $20-$100 $20-$100
for Pet Travel in luggage/passenger compartment^ $39/$69 $39/$69 $39/$69
for non-Primary Service Area Pick-Up/Drop-Off~ $20-$150 $20-$150 $20-$150

◊ “HIre-Out 12-Rider Van” reserves entire van for trip undertaken according to standard schedule described in InterCity Sherpasm‘s Calendar. “Private Charter” allows for a customized pick-up time. The Private Charter rates shown above are for a pick-up -

  • For Metro Boston - between 5:00 AM and 2:00 PM

  • For Metro NYC - between 9:00 AM and 7:00 PM

For Private Charters requiring a pick-up time outside the time windows indicated above, a $250 surcharge applies.

# Seats are assigned based upon the number of Travel Group and Riders. A Table Seat reservation will ensure that a Table Seat will be reserved for your travel group when you board.

* The Standard Luggage Allotment for each Rider is ONE large Suitcase for the luggage compartment and ONE Carry-On. An Excess Luggage Surcharge will be assessed for each bag in excess of this Standard Allotment. The amount of this surcharge increases with the number of bags in excess of this Standard Allotment. Click here to find out more regarding GoSherpasm’s luggage policy and Excess Luggage Surcharge.

^ GoSherpasm permits a Rider to be accompanied by a small to medium-sized Pet. Click here to find out more regarding GoSherpasm’s Pet Travel policy and the surcharges and deposit that applies.

~ The Transport Fares shown are for pick-ups and drop-offs undertaken in GoSherpasm’s Primary Service Area (Click here for more information regarding GoSherpasm Service Areas). GoSherpasm does pick-up and drop-off Riders outside the Primary Service Areas within Greater Boston and Greater New York City in which case an Fare Adjustment Surcharge will apply. Please call to inquire if GoSherpasm can accommodate your desired pick-up/drop-off locations.


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New York City